Customer Support
Is SOFTWater’s maintenance optional?
- Yes, but we think you’ll find the peace of mind our tech support provides well worth the nominal fee.
What services are included in the maintenance fee?
- SOFTWater’s maintenance includes toll free “800” support, free updates, and free ground shipping on form purchases.
Is training necessary?
- Training is very helpful but not necessary unless you have little or no experience with water billing or have a tight schedule for learning the new SOFTWater system.
Can I bill multiple companies with SOFTWater?
- Yes, SOFTWater can handle up to 99 companies. (However, there is a one-time extra charge per company setup.)
What types of printers work with SOFTWater?
- Business quality laser printers work best since they are faster and are designed for higher volume workloads. If you are going to print postcard style bills, your printer must be able to use custom size (6″x 12.9″) forms.
Can you convert my current software’s data?
- We can convert many different types of software data, but it will depend of the information you or the software company can give us.
Is HELP available in SOFTWater?
- Yes, the Help is available from any SOFTWater screen. It includes a Table of Contents, Index, Search, and Glossary. You may print any and all of the Help topics.
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